Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

Egypt: Aswan to Luxor

Aswan: getting the bikes back after only 4 hours of processing
our luxury room in Aswan

the Nubian museum


police cars

the nile
tea time in the Old Cataract Hotel

the unfinished obelisk

boat tour on the Nile

old and new graffiti

the sound and light show at Philae temple

from former tourists

egyptian number plate

Nr. 13 for Jens

Karnak temple

puzzle pieces

Luxor temple

belly buttons

enough of temples for today

Sphinx Avenue

in the Pension at the West bank of Luxor

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

2/2013 Khartoum to Aswan

In the garden of the Youth Hostel in Khartoum and the dust storm is coming
the black pyramids of Meroe in Sudan

road in Sudan

wild camping in the desert of Sudan

In the morning sun

second place with pyramids in Merowe


the next wild camping in the Nubian desert

Falaffel, eggs, tomatoes in bread

on the road to Wadi Halfa

meeting some Italian bikers and our fixer in Wadi Halfa

Waiting for the ferry to Egypt

our Enfields on the vehicle ferry to Egypt (not allowed for passengers)
Mazar our helper and his bike
the passenger ferry to Aswan

after a cold and windy night on deck (17 h to Aswan)


After 4 hours we got the bikes out of custom in Aswan - record for Egypt

Aswan in Egypt and the Nile