Samstag, 19. Januar 2013

12/20012 Nairobi to Aber Minch in Ethiopia

Nairobi - front yard of Jungle Junction

Enfield gets a frame repair

Bob's bike

Enfield tank repair with Epoxy to stop leak

3rd crossing of the equator (note water funnels for coreolis-effect?!!?)

two Indian/Americans on BMW and us on the Enfields at Jungle Junction

kids fascinated by our tent

heading north - passing Mount Kenya

pumping up the minibus tyre with our mini bicycle pump

road from Isiolo to Marsabit with Jessi and Odette in their Landy

just a sample of the corrigation of the 350 kms to Ethiopia

lunchtime on the road

bush camping before Marsabit with a hyena

old crater near Marsabit

one kilometer of tar in the middle of nowhere (made by the Chinese)

having lunch

landscape like on Mars

2nd bush camp 130 km before the Ethiopian border

the last 30 km of the Marsabit Road
in Moyale: one minute before the shower

it's Heidi ?!

first flat tyre in Ethiopia

the first ethiopian coffee (very good)

2nd puncture in Ethiopia with spectators

termite hills

3rd flat tyre with many spectators

in Aber Minch on the escarpment over the lakes


stand off - who is going to win ? 

1 Kommentar:

  1. I see you guys are still having fun on the road. Love the pictures, keep it up. Ethiopia looks amazing.
